How do I keep my camper from leaking?

How do I keep my camper from leaking?

Every year this question is posed repeatedly, whether from brand new campers or seasoned veterans, we all have the same concerns. When we purchase an RV through a dealer we are given a nickle tour, most of the time, that is supposed to be our training course for...

Avoiding black tank nightmares in your RV

I couldn’t begin to count the number of times per year we get calls for a stopped up RV black tank. Typically the call includes things like; I don’t know what my (insert noun here) put in the toilet but now it won’t drain. My gate valve won’t open all the way, I just...
Electrical power and your camper…

Electrical power and your camper…

“Can I plug my heater in there?” I get this question all the time, and the answer will be “Well, it depends on what else you have plugged in!” Often times we treat the 120V electrical system in our camper as if we are in a house, however, this...